Bible and Homosexuality: An LGBTQ Positive View

Bible and Homosexuality: An LGBTQ Positive View

Does the Bible really condemn same-sex attraction? …does it condemn premarital sex?

In this series, we look at the many things surrounding sex that Christians have been mistaught.

We start with the Old Testament “clobber verses” used INCORRECTLY to condemn gay Christians. We discuss queer-AFFIRMING scriptures from Christ and the prophets. We talk about the teaching of sexual purity. How many churches are teaching young Christians non-Biblical rules that few can follow. And the guilt, shame and poor decisions that follow.

This is a sex-positive and affirming view of the Bible.

38. My Daughter Elizabeth Interviewed

38. My Daughter Elizabeth Interviewed

The American church is facing an unprecedented shift, with younger generations rapidly dechurching and stepping away from organized religion. In this episode, we dive into ...

37. Challenging Relatives

37. Challenging Relatives

Romans 12 and Google AI on dealing with difficult relatives.

36. Fear and "Inside Out 2"

36. Fear and "Inside Out 2"

This sermon was delivered the Sunday after the 2024 Presidential election. An election that has left many fearful.

35. Psalm 94

35. Psalm 94

Today we sit in our grief, tomorrow we sit in our anger, and then after that we accept that empire will never save us and we mobilize to create more just and safer communitie...

36. Trump vs. the Bible and ChatGPT

36. Trump vs. the Bible and ChatGPT

Does Trump Pass the Biblical Test? AI’s Answer. Seven scriptures ChatGPT says disqualify Donald Trump.

35. WWJD: Who Would Jesus Vote For?

35. WWJD: Who Would Jesus Vote For?

In this episode, the scriptural case for voting against Donald Trump. In exploring a scriptural case for voting against Donald Trump, one can turn to various teachings in t...

34. Abortion in the Bible: A Pro-Choice AI Analysis

34. Abortion in the Bible: A Pro-Choice AI Analysis

Struggling to decide on an abortion? Bad news from an amnio or genetic screening? Still feeling guilt from a previous abortion? Reluctant to vote for a pro-choice candi...

33. Am I Going to Hell? Romans 1 Analyzed by AI

33. Am I Going to Hell? Romans 1 Analyzed by AI

“I’m afraid I’m going to hell because I’m not attracted to men. Please give me an unbiased interpretation of Romans 1.” We received this question from a young woman, M.V. ...

32. I Believe You – I Have Your Back

32. I Believe You – I Have Your Back

What do you say to a gay son or daughter when they come out? With the benefit of hindsight Linda Robertson shares her thoughts on what she wishes she had said to her 12-yea...

31. A Mother’s Regrets

31. A Mother’s Regrets

I am 12-years old and gay. In 2001, Ryan Robertson, 12-years old, reached out to his mother on Instant Messenger. Their lives forever changed. Then, 11 years later, Linda...

30. Dating with a Disability or Chronic Illness

30. Dating with a Disability or Chronic Illness

Almost half its users are Queer: Dateability is a dating app designed for the disabled and chronically ill communities. Individuals with disabilities or chronic illness oft...

29. Gisell, Catalina and our Spanish Story

29. Gisell, Catalina and our Spanish Story

Gisell Quihuis, the Director of Faculty Development and Diversity at the Stanford University School of Medicine, and I have created a Spanish Version of this podcast called: ...

28. A Transgender Listener’s Feedback

28. A Transgender Listener’s Feedback

A transgender listener shares their pre-transition struggles and brings a unique perspective to Matthew 19:12. For more on Matthew 19, and Jesus’s affirming words, see epis...

27. Am I Sick?

27. Am I Sick?

Is same sex attraction a mental illness? UCLA Prof. Evelyn Hooker, whose research showed that gay men were just as mentally healthy as straight men. And how one cleverly de...

26. Living The Good Life

26. Living The Good Life

This episode challenges conventional messages on well-being and prompts listeners to question what truly contributes to their wellbeing and living “The Good Life.” Podcast ...

25. The Parable of Lost Things

25. The Parable of Lost Things

Pastor Danielle Parrish explores the profound biblical narrative of lost sheep, coins, and sons, emphasizing God's inclusive love. She challenges traditional interpreta...

24. America First? A Christmas Letter

24. America First? A Christmas Letter

The podcast reflects on Pastor Steve Reed's Christmas letter, lamenting the changes in white evangelicalism and criticizing its failure to align with Jesus' teachings...

23. Conversion Therapy's Dark Reality

23. Conversion Therapy's Dark Reality

We discuss the deeply flawed practice of trying to change someone's sexual orientation. Related Episodes: 8. Paul, Gay Marriage and Gender Pronouns 11. Why Young Ch...

22. Queer Before Columbus: Two-Spirit Native Americans

22. Queer Before Columbus: Two-Spirit Native Americans

The vibrant diversity of gender-fluid and non-binary individuals in Native American cultures; the tragic ban of same-sex marriages by the Navajo Nation Council; and the role ...

21. A Trans Christian's Quest for Authenticity

21. A Trans Christian's Quest for Authenticity

Aiden Yang's transformation as he liberates the good troublemaker within, explores the Beatitudes, and finds inspiration from rapper Bad Bunny. Aiden Yang, a Trans-Chri...

20. The Year the Word Homosexual Was Added to The Bible

20. The Year the Word Homosexual Was Added to The Bible

1946 About the movie: 1946 - THE MISTRANSLATION THAT SHIFTED CULTURE This is a feature documentary that follows the story of tireless researchers who trace the origins of...

19. Seven Clobber Passages CLOBBERED, DEBUNKED and CRUSHED

19. Seven Clobber Passages CLOBBERED, DEBUNKED and CRUSHED

7 Bible scriptures that are MISUSED to condemn the LGBTQIA+ Community. Janet sets the record straight. In this episode, the second half of Janet Edmonds new leaflet, we l...

18. God Loves YOU - God Loves All of the LGBTQIA+ Community

18. God Loves YOU - God Loves All of the LGBTQIA+ Community

Using the Bible to condemn all queer people is a MISINTERPRETATION of the original scriptures and the initial purpose of why they were written. In this episode, the first h...

17. Leviticus: Cancelled by God?

17. Leviticus: Cancelled by God?

Did God cancel Leviticus and its archaic and unjust laws? We look at Isaiah 56 and a conservative Bible commentary. The results are surprising. Three Scriptures used in...

16. Some Are Born Gay: Created in God's Image

16. Some Are Born Gay: Created in God's Image

“For, there are some who have been gay from birth, so knit together in their mother's wombs and created in God's image.” This is a modern, amplified translation of Jesus' w...

15. Isaiah’s Great Blessing

15. Isaiah’s Great Blessing

We look at the traditional view of Isaiah’s blessing, which is surprisingly affirming of sexual minorities. Join me as we look at the great blessing in Isaiah 56: 4-5. Scri...

14. Finding Your Perfect Match: What Does Modern Research Say? What Does the Bible Say?

14. Finding Your Perfect Match: What Does Modern Research Say? What Does the Bible Say?

Three things can predict successful relationships and marriages - a discussion with Grandma Clair. From The Gottman Institute: · The Magic Relati...

13. When Is Sex Between Two Unmarried People God Honoring?

13. When Is Sex Between Two Unmarried People God Honoring?

Are the rules for gay sex different than straight sex? GRANDMA CLAIR’S: SEVEN RULES FOR SAFE SEX: 1) If you can become pregnant get a LARC. 2) When dating go slowly, st...

12. How Churches Are Failing Young Christians: The Problems with Purity

12. How Churches Are Failing Young Christians: The Problems with Purity

Millions of Christian’s feel guilt or shame about premarital sex. But should they? What do The Gospels and The 10 Commandments actually say about premarital sex? YouTube Vi...

11. How Churches Are Failing Young Christians: Why Millions Are Leaving the Church and Some Are Committing Suicide

11. How Churches Are Failing Young Christians: Why Millions Are Leaving the Church and Some Are Committing Suicide

21% of Gen Z identifies as LGBT according to a 2022 Gallup Poll. Both parents and churches are failing to keep them safe. Research tells us there are surprisingly large ben...

10. My Journey, Sexual Purity and President Carter on Gay Marriage

10. My Journey, Sexual Purity and President Carter on Gay Marriage

We review President Carter’s famous remarks affirming gay marriage. I talk about how these podcasts came to be. And we look briefly at what godly gay sex might look like. We ...

9. The Baptism of The Ethiopian Eunuch

9. The Baptism of The Ethiopian Eunuch

In this famous—but often misinterpreted—story we see God emphasizing that the Gospel message is inclusive and open to all. And that the kingdom of heaven does not discriminat...

8. Paul, Gay Marriage and Gender Pronouns

8. Paul, Gay Marriage and Gender Pronouns

We continue our LGBTQIA+ positive and affirming look at the Bible. In this episode we look at same-sex marriage and gender-neutral pronouns in light of Paul's writings (in Ga...

7. Did Jesus Say, “Some Are Born Queer?”

7. Did Jesus Say, “Some Are Born Queer?”

What did Jesus mean when he said, “Some are born eunuchs? Is this common translation (of Matthew 19.11-12) correct? Homework Assignment from Episode 6 Who do you think Je...

6. What Did Jesus Say About Sexual and Gender Minorities?

6. What Did Jesus Say About Sexual and Gender Minorities?

Today, we look at Jesus own words on the topic of sexual and gender minorities. Who are the three types of sexual minorities Jesus is talking about in Matthew 19: 11-12? ...

5. What’s with All the Rules in Leviticus?

5. What’s with All the Rules in Leviticus?

We continue examining the two "clobber verses" in the book of Leviticus with an affirming, LGBTQIA+ positive view of Bible scripture. These two “clobber verses” (Leviticus ...

4. Men Lying with Men in Leviticus

4. Men Lying with Men in Leviticus

These two "clobber verses" in the book of Leviticus are among the Bibles most challenging scriptures. Join us as we continue with an affirming, LGBTQIA+ positive view of the ...

3. Blame the Gay Guys

3. Blame the Gay Guys

We dive deeper into these first two clobber verses: “Sodom and Gomorrah” in Genesis 19 and “The Murder of the Levite’s Concubine” in Judges 19-21. What is really going on i...

2. The Murder of the Levite’s Concubine

2. The Murder of the Levite’s Concubine

This dark story of sexual violence has been twisted to blame gay men… Yet it has nothing to do with consensual same-sex relationships. Spanning three chapters in the Book of ...

1. Sodom and Gomorrah: The Most Misused Scripture in the Bible

1. Sodom and Gomorrah: The Most Misused Scripture in the Bible

What is this story actually about? Gay men or…? The Prophet Ezekiel explains Genesis 19, the first of the “clobber verses.” This episode is also available on YouTube: https...

Teaser for Episode 1: Sodom and Gomorrah

Teaser for Episode 1: Sodom and Gomorrah

No story has had a greater influence on the Christian condemnation of the LGBTQ+ community than the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Told at the beginning of the Bible in...